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class CEDID{/// /// https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows-hardware/drivers/install/plug-and-play-id---pnpid-request/// https://uefi.org/pnp_id_list/// https://uefi.org/acpi_id_list/// /// /// 
public static string ModifyManufacturer(string shortName){ string[] manus = RegisterManufacturer.PNP_IDCollection.Replace("\r\n", "").Replace("\t", "").Split(new string[] { "%%" }, StringSplitOptions.None); foreach (var item in manus) { if (item == "") continue; string[] itemChilds = item.Split(new string[] { "|||" }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (itemChilds.Length < 3) { int a = itemChilds.Length; a++; continue; } for(int i=0;i
/// 最大公约数/// ///
public static int MaximumCommonDivisor(int num1, int num2){ int tmp; if (num1 < num2) { tmp = num1; num1 = num2; num2 = tmp; } int a = num1; int b = num2; while (b != 0) { tmp = a % b; a = b; b = tmp; } return a; //Console.WriteLine("{0}和{1}的最大公约数为:{2}", num1, num2, a); // Console.WriteLine("{0}和{1}的最小公倍数为:{2}", num1, num2, num1 * num2 / a);}///
/// 计算比例/// ///
public static string Ratio(int num1, int num2){ int X = MaximumCommonDivisor(num1, num2); return string.Format("{0}:{1}", num1 / X, num2 / X); ; //Console.WriteLine("{0}和{1}的最大公约数为:{2}", num1, num2, a); // Console.WriteLine("{0}和{1}的最小公倍数为:{2}", num1, num2, num1 * num2 / a);}public static char ToCharByASCIIShort(int a){ return (char)(a + 64);}public static bool Contains(byte a ,byte b){ if( (a & b) == b) { return true; } return false;}public static double ToCinch_By_ABcm(int a, int b){ double A = a; double B = b; double C = Math.Sqrt(a * a + b * b)/2.54d; return C;}#region Vendor/Product Identification:public class Vendor_Product_Identification{ public static string Monitor_Name(byte[] EDID) { return ""; } public static string Monitor_Serial_Number(byte[] EDID) { return ""; }// ///
/// 大端 /// ///
public static string Manufacturer_Name(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int ManufacturerInt = ((int)EDID[8] << 8) | ((int)EDID[9]); int a = (ManufacturerInt & 0x00007C00) >> 10; int b = (ManufacturerInt & 0x000003E0) >> 5; int c = (ManufacturerInt & 0x0000001F); string A = "" + ToCharByASCIIShort(a); string B = "" + ToCharByASCIIShort(b); string C = "" + ToCharByASCIIShort(c); return A + B + C; } public static string Manufacturer_Name(byte byte8,byte byte9) { int ManufacturerInt = ((int)byte8 << 8) | ((int)byte9); int a = (ManufacturerInt & 0x00007C00) >> 10; int b = (ManufacturerInt & 0x000003E0) >> 5; int c = (ManufacturerInt & 0x0000001F); string A = "" + ToCharByASCIIShort(a); string B = "" + ToCharByASCIIShort(b); string C = "" + ToCharByASCIIShort(c); return A + B + C; } // LGD ///
/// 小端 /// ///
public static string Product_Id(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int ManufacturerInt = ((int)EDID[11] << 8) | ((int)EDID[10]); return ManufacturerInt.ToString("X"); } ///
/// 小端 /// ///
public static string Serial_Number(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int ManufacturerInt = ((int)EDID[15] << 24) | (int)EDID[14] << 16 | (int)EDID[13] << 8 | ((int)EDID[12]); return ManufacturerInt.ToString("X"); }// 0 public static string Week_Of_Manufacture(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; return EDID[16].ToString(); } public static string Year_Of_Manufacture(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; return (EDID[17] + 1990).ToString(); } public static string EDIDVersion(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; return "V" + (EDID[18]).ToString() + "." + (EDID[19]).ToString(); } public static string Number_Of_Extension_Flag(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 256) return "0"; return (EDID.Length / 128 - 1).ToString(); }}#endregion#region Display parameters:public class Display_Parameters{ public static string Video_Input_Definition(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; if ((EDID[20] & 0x80) == 0x80) { return "Digital Signal"; } else { return "Analog Signal"; } } public static string DFP1X_Compatible_Interface(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; if ((EDID[20] & 0x80) == 0x80) { if ((EDID[20] & 0x01) == 0x01) { return "True"; } else { return "Flase"; } } else { return "Invalid"; } } public static string Video_White_and_Sync_Levels(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; if ((EDID[20] & 0x80) == 0x80) { return "Invalid"; } else { if ((EDID[20] & 0x60) == 0x60)//11 { return "+0.7/0 V"; } else if ((EDID[20] & 0x40) == 0x40)//10 { return "+1.0/−0.4 V"; } else if ((EDID[20] & 0x20) == 0x20)//01 { return "+0.714/−0.286 V"; } else { return "+0.7/−0.3 V"; } } } public static string Blank_To_Black_Setup(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; if ((EDID[20] & 0x80) == 0x80) { return "Invalid"; } else { if ((EDID[20] & 0x10) == 0x60) { return "True"; } else { return "False"; } } } public static string Separate_Sync (byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; if ((EDID[20] & 0x80) == 0x80) { return "Invalid"; } else { if ((EDID[20] & 0x08) == 0x08) { return "True"; } else { return "False"; } } } public static string HSync_Composite_Sync(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; if ((EDID[20] & 0x80) == 0x80) { return "Invalid"; } else { if ((EDID[20] & 0x04) == 0x04) { return "True"; } else { return "False"; } } } ///
/// Sync-on-green /// ///
public static string SOG(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; if ((EDID[20] & 0x80) == 0x80) { return "Invalid"; } else { if ((EDID[20] & 0x02) == 0x02) { return "True"; } else { return "False"; } } } public static string VSync_Pulse_Must_Be_Serrated(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; if ((EDID[20] & 0x80) == 0x80) { return "Invalid"; } else { if (((EDID[20] & 0x02) == 0x02) || ((EDID[20] & 0x04) == 0x04)) { if ((EDID[20] & 0x01) == 0x01) { return "True"; } else { return "False"; } } else { return "Invalid. VSync pulse must be serrated when composite or sync-on-green is used."; } } } public static string Max_Horizontal_Image_Size(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int w = EDID[21] * 10; return w + " mm"; } public static string Max_Vertical_Image_Size(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int h = EDID[22] * 10; return h + " mm"; } public static string Image_Size_Ratio(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int H = EDID[21] * 10; int V = EDID[22] * 10; return Ratio(H,V); } public static string Max_Display_Size(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; return ToCinch_By_ABcm(EDID[21], EDID[22]).ToString("00.0") + " inches"; } public static string Max_Display_Size_CH(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; return ToCinch_By_ABcm(EDID[21], EDID[22]).ToString("00.0") + "(寸)"; } }#endregion#region Power Management and Features:public class Power_Management_and_Features{ public static string Standby(byte[] EDID) { if ((EDID[24] & 0x80) == 0x80) { return "Supported"; } else { return "Not Supported"; } } public static string Suspend(byte[] EDID) { if ((EDID[24] & 0x40) == 0x40) { return "Supported"; } else { return "Not Supported"; } } public static string ActiveOff(byte[] EDID) { if ((EDID[24] & 0x20) == 0x20) { return "Supported"; } else { return "Not Supported"; } } public static string Video_Input_Display_Type (byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int a = (EDID[24] >> 3 & 0x03); return a.ToString(); } public static string Video_Input(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int a = (EDID[24] >> 7 & 0x01); return a.ToString(); } public static string sRGB_Default_ColorSpace(byte[] EDID) { if ((EDID[24] & 0x04) == 0x04) { return "True"; } else { return "False"; } } public static string Default_GTF(byte[] EDID) { if ((EDID[24] & 0x02) == 0x02) { return "Not Supported"; } else { return "Supported"; } } public static string Prefered_Timing_Mode(byte[] EDID) { if ((EDID[24] & 0x02) == 0x02) { return "True"; } else { return "False"; } }} #endregion#region Gamma/Color and Etablished Timings:public class Gamma_Color_and_Etablished_Timings{ public static string Display_Gamma(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; double gamma = (double)EDID[23] / 100.0d + 1.0; return gamma.ToString("0.00"); } // public static string Display_Gamma(byte[] EDID) { return ""; }// 2.2 public static string Red(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int lsbitx = (EDID[25] >> 6) & 0x0003; int lsbity = (EDID[25] >> 4) & 0x0003; int msbitx = EDID[27] <<2; int msbity = EDID[28]<<2; double x = (lsbitx | msbitx) / 1024d; double y = (lsbity | msbity) / 1024d; return string.Format("(x,y)({0},{1})", x.ToString("0.0000"), y.ToString("0.0000")); }// x = 0.58 - y = 0.35 public static string Green(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int lsbitx = (EDID[25] >> 2) & 0x0003; int lsbity = EDID[25] & 0x0003; int msbitx = EDID[29] << 2; int msbity = EDID[30] << 2; double x = (lsbitx | msbitx) / 1024d; double y = (lsbity | msbity) / 1024d; return string.Format("(x,y)({0},{1})", x.ToString("0.0000"), y.ToString("0.0000")); } public static string Blue(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int lsbitx = (EDID[25] >> 6) & 0x0003; int lsbity = (EDID[26] >> 4) & 0x0003; int msbitx = EDID[31] << 2; int msbity = EDID[32] << 2; double x = (lsbitx | msbitx) / 1024d; double y = (lsbity | msbity) / 1024d; return string.Format("(x,y)({0},{1})", x.ToString("0.0000"), y.ToString("0.0000")); }// x = 0.155 - y = 0.125 public static string White(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int lsbitx = (EDID[25] >> 2) & 0x0003; int lsbity = EDID[26] & 0x0003; int msbitx = EDID[33] << 2; int msbity = EDID[34] << 2; double x = (lsbitx | msbitx) / 1024d; double y = (lsbity | msbity) / 1024d; return string.Format("(x,y)({0},{1})", x.ToString("0.0000"), y.ToString("0.0000")); }// x = 0.313 - y = 0.329 public static string Etablished_Timings(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; string supports = "\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[35], 0x80)) supports += "\t\t720×400 @ 70 Hz\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[35], 0x40)) supports += "\t\t720×400 @ 88 Hz\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[35], 0x20)) supports += "\t\t640×480 @ 60 Hz\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[35], 0x10)) supports += "\t\t640×480 @ 67 Hz\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[35], 0x08)) supports += "\t\t640×480 @ 72 Hz\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[35], 0x04)) supports += "\t\t640×480 @ 75 Hz\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[35], 0x02)) supports += "\t\t800×600 @ 56 Hz\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[35], 0x01)) supports += "\t\t800×600 @ 60 Hz\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[36], 0x80)) supports += "\t\t800×600 @ 72 Hz\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[36], 0x40)) supports += "\t\t800×600 @ 75 Hz\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[36], 0x20)) supports += "\t\t832×624 @ 75 Hz\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[36], 0x10)) supports += "\t\t1024×768 @ 87 Hz, interlaced (1024×768i)\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[36], 0x08)) supports += "\t\t1024×768 @ 60 Hz\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[36], 0x04)) supports += "\t\t1024×768 @ 72 Hz\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[36], 0x02)) supports += "\t\t1024×768 @ 75 Hz\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[36], 0x01)) supports += "\t\t1280×1024 @ 75 Hz\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[37], 0x80)) supports += "\t\t1152x870 @ 75 Hz (Apple Macintosh II)\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[37], 0x40)) supports += "\t\tOther manufacturer-specific display modes 1 | 0100 0000\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[37], 0x20)) supports += "\t\tOther manufacturer-specific display modes 2 | 0010 0000\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[37], 0x10)) supports += "\t\tOther manufacturer-specific display modes 3 | 0001 0000\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[37], 0x08)) supports += "\t\tOther manufacturer-specific display modes 4 | 0000 1000\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[37], 0x04)) supports += "\t\tOther manufacturer-specific display modes 5 | 0000 0100\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[37], 0x02)) supports += "\t\tOther manufacturer-specific display modes 6 | 0000 0010\r\n"; if (Contains(EDID[37], 0x01)) supports += "\t\tOther manufacturer-specific display modes 7 | 0000 0001\r\n"; return supports; }// public static string Display_Type(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; if ((EDID[20] & 0x80) == 0x80) { if ((EDID[24] & 0x18) == 0x18) { return "(Digital) RGB 4:4:4 + YCrCb 4:4:4 + YCrCb 4:2:2"; } else if ((EDID[24] & 0x10) == 0x10) { return "(Digital) RGB 4:4:4 + YCrCb 4:2:2"; } else if ((EDID[24] & 0x08) == 0x08) { return "(Digital) RGB 4:4:4 + YCrCb 4:4:4"; } else { return "(Digital) RGB 4:4:4"; } } else { if ((EDID[24] & 0x18) == 0x18) { return "(Analog) Undefined"; } else if ((EDID[24] & 0x10) == 0x10) { return "(Analog) Non-RGB color"; } else if ((EDID[24] & 0x08) == 0x08) { return "(Analog) RGB color"; } else { return "(Analog) Monochrome or Grayscale"; } } } public static string Display_Type(byte[] EDID, byte videoInputType) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; if ((videoInputType & 0x80) == 0x80) { if ((EDID[24] & 0x18) == 0x18) { return "(Digital) RGB 4:4:4 + YCrCb 4:4:4 + YCrCb 4:2:2"; } else if ((EDID[24] & 0x10) == 0x10) { return "(Digital) RGB 4:4:4 + YCrCb 4:2:2"; } else if ((EDID[24] & 0x08) == 0x08) { return "(Digital) RGB 4:4:4 + YCrCb 4:4:4"; } else { return "(Digital) RGB 4:4:4"; } } else { if ((EDID[24] & 0x18) == 0x18) { return "(Analog) Undefined"; } else if ((EDID[24] & 0x10) == 0x10) { return "(Analog) Non-RGB color"; } else if ((EDID[24] & 0x08) == 0x08) { return "(Analog) RGB color"; } else { return "(Analog) Monochrome or Grayscale"; } } }}#endregion#region Standard Timing:#endregion#region Preferred Detailed Timing:public class Preferred_Detailed_Timing{ public static string Active_Ratio(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int vaH = ((((int)EDID[58] << 4) & 0x0F00) | (int)EDID[56]); int vaV = ((((int)EDID[61] << 4) & 0x0F00) | (int)EDID[59]); return Ratio(vaH,vaV); } public static string Pixel_Clock(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; double val = (((int)EDID[55] << 8) | (int)EDID[54]) / 100.0d; return val.ToString("0.00") + "MHz"; } public static string Horizontal_Active(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int val = ((((int)EDID[58] << 4) & 0x0F00) | (int)EDID[56]); return val.ToString() + " pixels"; } public static string Horizontal_Blanking(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int val = ((((int)EDID[58] << 8) & 0x0F00) | (int)EDID[57]); return val.ToString() + " pixels"; } public static string Horizontal_Sync_Offset(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int val = ((((int)EDID[65] << 2) & 0x0300) | (int)EDID[62]); return val.ToString() + " pixels"; } public static string Horizontal_Sync_Pulse_Width(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int val = ((((int)EDID[65] << 4) & 0x0300) | (int)EDID[63]); return val.ToString() + " pixels"; } public static string Horizontal_Border(byte[] EDID) { return EDID[69].ToString() + " pixels"; } public static string Horizontal_Size(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int val = ((((int)EDID[68] << 4) & 0x0F00) | (int)EDID[66]); return val.ToString() + " mm"; } public static string Vertical_Active(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int val = ((((int)EDID[61] << 4) & 0x0F00) | (int)EDID[59]); return val.ToString() + " lines"; } public static string Vertical_Blanking(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int val = ((((int)EDID[61] << 8) & 0x0F00) | (int)EDID[60]); return val.ToString() + " lines"; } public static string Vertical_Sync_Offset(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int val = ((((int)EDID[65] << 2) & 0x0030) | ((((int)EDID[64] >> 4 ) & 0x000F))); return val.ToString() + " lines"; } public static string Vertical_Sync_Pulse_Width(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int val = ((((int)EDID[65] << 4) & 0x0030) | ((((int)EDID[64]) & 0x000F))); return val.ToString() + " lines"; } public static string Vertical_Border(byte[] EDID) { return EDID[70].ToString() + " lines"; } public static string Vertical_Size(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int val = ((((int)EDID[68] << 8) & 0x0F00) | (int)EDID[67]); return val.ToString() + " mm"; } public static string Input_Type_Sync_type(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int val = ((int)EDID[71] >> 3) & 0x0003; switch(val) { case 3: return "Digital separate"; case 2: return "Digital composite (on HSync)"; case 1: return "Bipolar analog composite"; case 0: return "Analog composite"; default: return ""; } } public static string Interlaced(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; if(Contains(EDID[71],0x80)) { return "True"; } else { return "False"; } } public static string VerticalPolarity(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; if (Contains(EDID[71], 0x04)) { return "True"; } else { return "False"; } }// False public static string HorizontalPolarity(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; if (Contains(EDID[71], 0x02)) { return "True"; } else { return "False"; } }// True}#endregion#region Detailed Timing #2:public class Detailed_Timing_Sharp2{ public static string Pixel_Clock(byte[] EDID) { return ""; }// 114.46 Mhz public static string Horizontal_Active(byte[] EDID) { return ""; }// 1920 pixels public static string Horizontal_Blanking(byte[] EDID) { return ""; }// 244 pixels public static string Horizontal_Sync_Offset(byte[] EDID) { return ""; }// 48 pixels public static string Horizontal_Sync_Pulse_Width(byte[] EDID) { return ""; }// 32 pixels public static string Horizontal_Border(byte[] EDID) { return ""; }// 0 pixels public static string Horizontal_Size(byte[] EDID) { return ""; }// 344 mm public static string Vertical_Active(byte[] EDID) { return ""; }// 1080 lines public static string Vertical_Blanking(byte[] EDID) { return ""; }// 22 lines public static string Vertical_Sync_Offset(byte[] EDID) { return ""; }// 3 lines public static string Vertical_Sync_Pulse_Width(byte[] EDID) { return ""; }// 5 lines public static string Vertical_Border(byte[] EDID) { return ""; }// 0 lines public static string Vertical_Size(byte[] EDID) { return ""; }// 194 mm public static string Input_Type(byte[] EDID) { return ""; }// Digital Separate public static string Interlaced(byte[] EDID) { return ""; }// False public static string VerticalPolarity(byte[] EDID) { return ""; }// False public static string HorizontalPolarity(byte[] EDID) { return ""; }// True} #endregion#region Monitor Range Limit://public class Monitor_Range_Limit{ public static string Maximum_Vertical_Frequency(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; return EDID[96] + " Hz"; } public static string Minimum_Vertical_Frequency(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; return EDID[95] + " Hz"; } public static string Maximum_Horizontal_Frequency(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; return EDID[98] + " KHz"; } public static string Minimum_Horizontal_Frequency(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; return EDID[97] + " KHz"; } public static string Maximum_Pixel_Clock(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; return EDID[99]*10 + " MHz"; } public static string Extended_Timing_Information_Type(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; switch(EDID[100]) { case 0x00: return "No information, padded with 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20."; case 0x02: return "Secondary GTF supported" + EDID[100].ToString("X2") + " " + EDID[101].ToString("X2") + " " + EDID[102].ToString("X2") + " " + EDID[103].ToString("X2") + " " + EDID[104].ToString("X2") + " " + EDID[105].ToString("X2") + " " + EDID[106].ToString("X2") + " " + EDID[107].ToString("X2") + " " + "."; default: return "Unknow information, padded with " + EDID[100].ToString("X2") + " " + EDID[101].ToString("X2") + " " + EDID[102].ToString("X2") + " " + EDID[103].ToString("X2") + " " + EDID[104].ToString("X2") + " " + EDID[105].ToString("X2") + " " + EDID[106].ToString("X2") + " " + EDID[107].ToString("X2") + " " + "."; } } public class Secondary_GTF { public const byte ETIT = 0x02; public static string Secondary_Curve_Start_Frequency(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; if (EDID[100] != ETIT) return "Invalid"; return EDID[102] * 2 + " KHz"; } public static string GTF_C(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; if (EDID[100] != ETIT) return "Invalid"; return (EDID[103] / 2.0d).ToString("0.0"); } public static string GTF_M(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; if (EDID[100] != ETIT) return "Invalid"; int val = ((EDID[105] << 8) & 0xFF00) | EDID[104]; return val.ToString(); } public static string GTF_K(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; if (EDID[100] != ETIT) return "Invalid"; return EDID[106].ToString(); } public static string GTF_J(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; if (EDID[100] != ETIT) return "Invalid"; return (EDID[103] / 2.0d).ToString("0.0"); } } } #endregion#region Stereo Display{ return ""; }//public class Stereo_Display{ public static string Stereo_Mode(byte[] EDID) { if (EDID == null || EDID.Length < 128) return ""; int val = ((int)EDID[71] >> 5) & 0x0003; if (Contains(EDID[71], 0x01)) { switch (val) { case 3: return "side-by-side"; case 2: return "Left image on even lines"; case 1: return "Right image on even lines"; case 0: return "Normal display (no stereo)"; default: return ""; } } else { switch (val) { case 3: return "4-way interleaved stereo"; case 2: return "similar, sync=1 during left"; case 1: return "Field sequential, sync=1 during right"; case 0: return "Normal display (no stereo)"; default: return ""; } } }}#endregion}



【selenium】selenium ide的安装过程
Fiddler 抓包工具总结